Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Getting the most from dealarmy.com

Tom and I will be publishing a series of posts describing the different features dealarmy.com offers. We're hoping that it will help people trying out our service.

What in the world is dealarmy.com? Tom wrote a great introduction about our original idea about helping yourself and in turn helping others. Your active participation in sharing ideas, opinions, and found deals is the key to the site's success.

Upcoming posts include:
  • Adding deals through a bookmarklet

  • Creating lists

  • Requesting a deal
  • Earning money through bounties
  • The power of group buying
  • Many others.

Tom and I hope our service helps you and we would love to hear how we can improve it. Ideas, suggestions or just dropping us a line at dealarmy@gmail.com will be appreciated.



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